Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-07-15

Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-07-15

Kantara Leadership Council Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2009
  • Time: 8am PDT | 11am EDT | 15:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Teleconference Info:
    • Skype: +9900827043671716
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716



  • Trent Adams (Chair)
  • Roger Martin
  • Brett McDowell (staff)
  • Iain Henderson
  • Joni Brennan (staff)
  • Frank Villavicencio
  • Conor Cahill
  • John Fraser
  • Britta Glade (staff)
  • Eve Maler (Secretary)
  • Ken Salzberg
  • Bob Pinheiro
  • Myisha Frazier-Mcelveen
  • Robin Wilton
    • Quorum reached (6 of 11 voting members; multiple WGs chaired by the same person count only once)


  • None.


  1. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. Please review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-07-08
  2. WG / DG Updates:
    1. Progress Update: ID-WSF Evolution WG [Paul]
      1. Provisioning? [Joni]
    2. Pending WG: Identity Assurance Work Group (IAWG) [Frank]
      1. Discussion
      2. Call for vote during teleconference.
    3. Pending WG: User-Managed Access Work Group (UMA) [Eve]
      1. Discussion
      2. Call for vote during teleconference.
    4. Pending WG: Healthcare Identity Assurance Work Group (HIAWG) [John]
      1. Acceptance of Charter? [Eve]
      2. Discussion
      3. Set date for vote [Trent]
    5. Placeholder for other WG / DG items
  3. Board of Trustees Update [Colin, Conor]
  4. Work Group and Discussion Group Budgeting Process [Brett]
  5. Event Task Force Update [Dervla]
  6. Email Policy Review:
    1. Review: Wiki Page
    2. Call for approval pending modification suggested via email.
  7. Blogging Discussion
  8. AOB


  • Regarding quorum:
    • AI: Secretary to manage the voting roster in an ongoing fashion in preparation for each call.
    • Discussion ensued about the potential problem of WG chairs routinely not showing up to LC meetings, contributing to lack of quorum and stalling of LC work.
    • AI: Chair to find someone to investigate whether we need a policy to handle chronically absent voting members and a policy to ensure that group formation during a meeting doesn't negatively affect quorum already reached.
  1. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. Please review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-07-08
      • Minutes approved by unanimous consent.
  2. Email Policy Review (moved up in agenda):
    1. Review: Wiki Page
    2. Call for approval pending modification suggested via email.
      • The previous objection about the use of the term "moderate" has been resolved in a revision.
      • The title of the policy needs revision on the website.
      • A motion to approve the policy was made and seconded; the motion passed by unanimous consent.
      • AI: BoT liaisons to apprise the BoT of the policy and work to ensure the two groups are in agreement.
      • Noted that our BoT liaisons can represent the LC in disposing of minor issues raised by the BoT in reviewing and revising the policy.
  3. WG / DG Updates:
    1. Progress Update: ID-WSF Evolution WG [Paul]
      1. Provisioning? [Joni]
        • The group email list, wiki area, and telecon number are provisioned.
        • Next step is for Paul to announce the group publicly.
        • The provisioning process continues to get more streamlined, though not yet 100% mechanical.
        • It was suggested that a central wiki page be created with signup instructions.
    2. Pending WG: Identity Assurance Work Group (IAWG) [Frank]
      1. Discussion
      2. Call for vote during teleconference.
        • Small revisions have been made to put the charter into "accepted" form.
        • A motion to approve the charter was made and seconded; the motion passed by unanimous consent.
    3. Pending WG: User-Managed Access Work Group (UMA) [Eve]
      1. Discussion
      2. Call for vote during teleconference.
        • It was noted that the NHIN Consumer Preferences Service may be relevant to the UMA work, either solving some of the same problem or possibly usable in concert.
        • It was mentioned that one use case might be granting doctor #2 access to information being hosted at doctor #1.
        • During the call, a mention of NHIN and related Kantara healthcare groups was added to the charter as potential liaison candidates.
        • A motion to approve the charter was made and seconded; the motion passed by unanimous consent.
        • The goal for provisioning this and other new groups is 48 business hours, with a goal of much sooner.
    4. Pending WG: Healthcare Identity Assurance Work Group (HIAWG) [John]
      1. Acceptance of Charter? [Eve]
      2. Discussion
      3. Set date for vote [Trent]
        • The charter was not yet accepted because the required changes have not yet been made.
        • AI: John and Joni to confer on getting permission and instructions to edit the charter.
        • Voting date not yet set.
    5. Placeholder for other WG / DG items
      • None.
  4. Board of Trustees Update [Colin, Conor]
    • Nothing to report.
  5. Work Group and Discussion Group Budgeting Process [Brett]
    • AI: Group chairs to think about what resources they might need in the 2010 calendar year above and beyond the normal provisioning; if none, no action needs to be taken.
    • Examples: special projects like market research; bringing in a subject-matter expert; holding workshops and other extra events; funding open-source or other code development.
    • Budget decisions will need to be made by the time of the Kantara F2F meetings in September.
    • A question was raised about budget requests for the rest of 2009; bring any such proposals to Brett, who will handle them case-by-case.
  6. Event Task Force Update [Dervla]
    • Deferred.
  7. Blogging Discussion
    • Deferred.

Teleconference Recording

  • NOTE: Teleconferences will not be recorded until a recording policy is in place.

Next Meeting

  • Date: Wednesday, July 22, 2009
  • Time: 3pm PDT | 6pm EDT | 22:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Teleconference Info:
    • Skype: +9900827043671716
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716