Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-06-17

Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-06-17

Kantara Leadership Council Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2009
  • Time: 8am PDT | 11am EDT | 15:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Dial-In: +1-218-862-7200
  • Code: 896272

NOTE: Do not follow the code with a "#" symbol as it may cause the code not to be recognized.


  • Eve Maler (Secretary, Chair Pro Tem)
  • Philippe Clement
  • Dervla O'Reilly (staff)
  • Ken Salzberg
  • Brett McDowell (staff)
  • Joni Brennan (staff)
  • Roger Martin
  • Bob Pinheiro
  • Conor Cahill
  • Britta Glade (staff)
  • Drummond Reed
  • John Fraser
  • Colin Wallis
  • Kenji Takahashi


  • J. Trent Adams


  1. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. Please review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-06-10
  2. WG / DG Updates:
    1. Progress Update: Identity Provider Selection Work Group (IdP Selection WG)
      1. Planned meetings complete, Charter updated (please confirm)
      2. Vote begins via email Wednesday, June 17
      3. Vote closes 23:59 UTC on Friday, June 19
    2. Progress Update: Privacy and Public Policy Work Group (P3WG)
      1. Vote begins via email Wednesday, June 24
      2. Vote closes at 23:59 UTC on Friday, June 26
    3. New DG Announcement: Japan Discussion Group (Japan DG)
      1. Accepted and active, pending provisioning by KI Staff.
      2. Update from KI Staff on timing for provisioning.
    4. Proposed WG for Review: Japan Work Group (Japan WG)
    5. Proposed WG for Review: Consumer Identity WG (CIWG)
  3. Board of Trustees Update [Colin, Conor]
  4. Event Task Force Update [Dervla]
    1. Request by the BoT for a first cut proposal.
  5. Communications Policies Discussion: [Ken]
    1. Email List Policy
    2. Teleconference Recording Policy
  6. AOB


  1. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-06-10
      1. Approved by unanimous consent
  2. WG / DG Updates:
    1. Progress Update: Identity Provider Selection Work Group (IdP Selection WG)
      1. Planned meetings complete, Charter confirmed to have been updated
      2. Vote has begun via email Wednesday, June 17
      3. Vote closes 23:59 UTC on Friday, June 19
    2. Progress Update: Privacy and Public Policy Work Group (P3WG)
      1. Vote begins via email Wednesday, June 24
      2. Vote closes at 23:59 UTC on Friday, June 26
      3. Revisions may be made prior to that ballot starting
    3. New DG Announcement: Japan Discussion Group (Japan DG)
      1. Accepted and active, pending provisioning by KI Staff
      2. Staff has received the IPR form that new participants will need to agree to in order to participate
      3. Necessary account registrations will also get under way
      4. Provisioning is awaiting word from BoT tomorrow that the IPR form correctly implements the IPR policy
    4. Proposed WG for Review: Japan Work Group (Japan WG)
      1. Charter was accepted for review June 12
      2. Kenji requests approval before June 23, if possible
      3. Japan WG (vs. the DG) exists to support translations, hence the need for an IPR policy
      4. DG mailing list will function similarly to a Japanese-language announcement list
      5. AI: Eve to coordinate with Trent on starting an email ballot
    5. Proposed WG for Review: Consumer Identity WG (CIWG)
      1. Charter not yet officially accepted for review by meeting-time
      2. Needs revision to remove the listing of two IPR policies (vs. one) in order to be accepted
      3. Group discussed relative effects of Option Liberty vs. Option CC and charter impacts were technical specs to be produced in this WG
      4. It was suggested to mention the VPI WG and DG under relevant work
      5. It was suggested to consider adding "theft/fraud" or "high assurance" to the WG name if appropriate to the scope
      6. AI: Bob to send a revised charter
  3. Board of Trustees Update [Colin, Conor]
    1. Upcoming BoT agenda includes some items likely to be of interest to the LC: audio recordings, email policy, telecon policy (free vs. toll calls for bridges)
  4. Event Task Force Update [Dervla]
    1. Last week's update mentioned a 2.5-to-3 day event in Las Vegas; this tentative plan has been confirmed
    2. A more detailed proposal will be sent to Members
    3. There are demo and partner display opportunities, and a workshop is being considered
    4. The discounted registration fee for attending DIDW will be $195
  5. Communications Policies Discussion: [Ken]
    1. Email List Policy
      1. Pending AI: Trent to update Joni's original document
    2. Teleconference Recording Policy
      1. BoT raised some liability issues recordings that had not been obvious previously
      2. Plan is to create a policy and have it reviewed by counsel; LC input continues to be requested
      3. It was observed that recording for private use (convenience/housekeeping purposes) is different from recording for public access (transparency purposes), each motivation to be weighed against contrary effects
      4. It was observed that if access-controlled recordings are made, policies are needed for dissemination and disposal
      5. The suggestion was made to avoid audio recordings until a policy is formulated and approved by counsel

Teleconference Recording

  • The chair pro tem apologizes profusely for having forgotten to offer an audio recording option today. This call was NOT recorded.

Next Meeting

  • Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009
  • Time: 3pm PDT | 6pm EDT | 22:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Dial-In: +1-218-862-7200
  • Code: 896272

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