Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-10-21

Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-10-21

Minutes approved on November 11, 2009

Kantara Leadership Council Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2009
  • Time: 8am PDT | 11am EDT | 15:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Teleconference Options:
    • Skype: +9900827043671716
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716



  • Trent Adams, Identity Community Update DG and chair
  • Colin Wallis, eGovt WG and vice chair
  • Eve Maler, User-Managed Access WG
  • Frank Villavicencio, ID Assurance WG
  • Kenji Takahashi, Japan WG and Japan DG
  • Bob Pinheiro, Consumer ID WG
  • Philippe Clement, IdP Selection WG
  • Conor Cahill, Client WG
  • Matthew Gardiner, BoT Liaison
  • Ken Salzberg, BoT Rep Liaison
  • Nathan Faut, ARB
  • David Temoshok, ARB
  • Gavin Illingworth, BMO
  • John Tolbert, Boeing
  • Pratek Mishra, Oracle


  • Iain Henderson, Information Sharing WG


  1. Roll Call for Quorum Determination
  2. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. Review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-10-14
  3. Assurance Review Board Briefing (David Temoshok, Nathan Faut)
  4. LC to vote on the OP/Bylaws changes approved by the BoT
    1. PROPOSED MOTION: Approval of Amendments to Operating Procedures for All Member Ballot - The following amendments to the Kantara Initiative Operating Procedures (version 1.0), as previously approved by the Board of Trustees, are hereby approved by the Leadership Council for submission to an All Member Ballot:
      • Add the following text as the third paragraph in section 2.6:
        • "For the purpose of maintaining a reasonable ability to achieve Quorum, any Voting Member of the LC who fails to attend two consecutive meetings of the LC may, at the discretion of the Chair, be re-classified as a non-voting member. Voting status may be reacquired by attending a meeting of the LC. In the case of an electronic vote of the LC, if the electronic vote is initiated while a member is in non-voting status, the member may not vote in that electronic vote."
      • Replace the fourth paragraph of section 3.3 (beginning "All WG Chair and...") with the following text:
        • "All WG Chair and Vice-chair and Editor elections shall be conducted by secret ballot unless the WG passes a motion by unanimous consent to hold a non-secret ballot."
      • In Section 3 (Work Groups) change "Intellectual Property policies" to "Intellectual Property Rights Policy".
      • In Section 3.7 (Decision Making), second paragraph, last sentence, change "vote occurs" to "vote is initiated".
      • Annex B (Discussion Group Request [Template]). Replace the explanatory text under section "(5) Copyright Policy" with the following:
        • "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported or another Organization approved Intellectual Property Rights Policy Option to cover any copyright material that may be produced as a result of DG Participants’ posts to the wiki or email archives."
    2. Next Step: All member ballot
  5. InfoSharing WG Charter Change
    1. Review: InfoSharing WG Charter
    2. REPLACE:
      • (5) OTHER DRAFT RECOMMENDATIONS: Other Draft Recommendations and projected completion dates for submission for All Member Ballot.

        Note: These recommendation are likely to be delivered via a separate/ related working group as the intellectual property requirements of
        the above differ from the technical specification work.

        See User Driven Volunteered Personal Information Policy Working Group
    3. WITH:
      • (5) OTHER DRAFT RECOMMENDATIONS: Other Draft Recommendations and projected completion dates for submission for All Member Ballot..

        * A clear description and definition of User Driven Information
        * Use cases illustrating deployment of User Driven Information across a wide range of scenario's
        * A standardized approach to a data sharing agreement as driven from the individual perspective
        * Deployment guidelines
        * Trust-marks, Audit and Compliance mechanisms
        * Qualitative and quantitative market research amongst individuals on the factors that will dictate uptake of Volunteered Personal Information (VPI) sharing (subject to funding)
        * Qualitative and quantitative market research amongst organisations on the factors that will dictate uptake of VPI sharing (beginning with Kantara Initiative member base)
  6. Prososed WG: Liberty Specification Maintenance Working Group (LSM WG)
    1. Review: Liberty Specification Maintenance Working Group Charter
    2. Discussion
    3. Vote Date: No later than October 29, 2009
  7. Proposed WG: Identity Services Working Group (IS WG)
    1. Review: Identity Services Working Group Charter
    2. NOTE: Initial draft charter was submitted on September 22, 2009, but was incomplete. No further draft was submitted, and 30-day window closes October 22, 2009.
    3. Vote Date: MUST BE HELD ON CALL
  8. AOB


Roll Call

SUMMARY: Roll was called and quorum was met with 9 of 14 voters in attendance.

Minute approval

MOTION: Conor (Clients WG) moved to approve the minutes from Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-10-14. Minutes accepted as drafted by unanimous consent.

Assurance Review Board Briefing

SUMMARY: David T. and Nathan F. presented a summary presentation, as distributed, on the work of the ARB and planning toward the certification program.

  • discussion about how assessors are accredited.
  • discussion about fee structure, recommended fees (applied to the applying entity vs just the participating division), sizes of organizations, etc.
  • discussion about how certifications are completed--it's not a la carte right now (all or nothing for certifications), but is something that will be monitored
  • noted no limitations to where/how assessments can be completed (geographic, vertical, etc.)
  • noted that Federation Operator assessment has not been developed yet (but that is work in progress w/in IAWG).
  • ACTION ITEM: Request for IAWG to present its plan to the LC since it has pending budgetary requests to overview roadmap of deliverables.
LC to vote on the OP/Bylaws changes approved by the BoT

SUMMARY: Trent provided an overview that these changes had been fundamentally approved by the LC already at the face-to-face meeting in Las Vegas. The minor changes the BoT requested is what has returned it to the LC for final approval. If LC makes additional changes, it will need to begin the complete process over again. The vote at hand is if this complete bundle should go to an all member vote.

  • acknowledgement there may be future additional changes needed to the OPs and can address additional issues subsequently, though concern about having too many all member ballots
  • continued concern about the difference b/w electronic voting and roll calling vote, so desire to address this again at a subsequent point if in fact this emerges as an issue, but this concern does not prevent this motion from being completed today.
  • agreeement that the changes we make should be made to address real issues on the table that are known issues vs. hypothetical concerns--this is reflective of changes in this motion which are all in reaction to experiences already encountered.

MOTION: (still on the table from last week Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-10-14) Approval of Amendments to Operating Procedures for All Member Ballot - The following amendments to the Kantara Initiative Operating Procedures (version 1.0), as previously approved by the Board of Trustees, are hereby approved by the Leadership Council for submission to an All Member Ballot:

      • Add the following text as the third paragraph in section 2.6:
        • "For the purpose of maintaining a reasonable ability to achieve Quorum, any Voting Member of the LC who fails to attend two consecutive meetings of the LC may, at the discretion of the Chair, be re-classified as a non-voting member. Voting status may be reacquired by attending a meeting of the LC. In the case of an electronic vote of the LC, if the electronic vote is initiated while a member is in non-voting status, the member may not vote in that electronic vote."
      • Replace the fourth paragraph of section 3.3 (beginning "All WG Chair and...") with the following text:
        • "All WG Chair and Vice-chair and Editor elections shall be conducted by secret ballot unless the WG passes a motion by unanimous consent to hold a non-secret ballot."
      • In Section 3 (Work Groups) change "Intellectual Property policies" to "Intellectual Property Rights Policy".
      • In Section 3.7 (Decision Making), second paragraph, last sentence, change "vote occurs" to "vote is initiated".
      • Annex B (Discussion Group Request [Template]). Replace the explanatory text under section "(5) Copyright Policy" with the following:
        • "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported or another Organization approved Intellectual Property Rights Policy Option to cover any copyright material that may be produced as a result of DG Participants’ posts to the wiki or email archives."

No objection to unanimous consent to the motion on the table. Motion approved. Next step is to take this to an All Member Ballot.

Proposed WG: Identity Services Working Group (IS WG) Charter Review

SUMMARY: This charter was previously circulated. Requirement for vote today as our 30-day window expires tomorrow. Quorum was no longer present at time of vote, so decision was made to make updates to the charter, with Eve and Prateek offering to help, and resubmit for vote.

  • Question as to if visibility to the ID-WSF evolution work group and how it might be related. Research was performed as to where there might be duplicitous work underway, and found good complementary work (Concordia, etc.), but no duplication. Comment that this group is working to define new services (ID-WSF doesn't seem to have overlap).
  • Discussion about heritage of this group--Burton Group sheperded this group into being based on customer experiences to date and challenges they were having integrating their identity suites into current installations and with other vendors. Continued work will be responsive to actual customer needs, experiences and encountered issues. Perhaps this purpose isn't entirely clear in the draft charter.
  • Vote is required today based on requirements in our OPs that require this come to a vote within 30 days of submission (a provision to prevent the LC secretary from bringing something to a vote). If we opt not to approve it today, continued changes can be made to address clarifications requested.
  • Eve--statement that idea behind the group is great, but we can help strengthen the charter further to help the group accomplish exactly what it needs to. Desire to help strengthen the charter to further accomplish the goal.
    ACTION ITEM: Eve and Prateek, both citing interest in this group, offered to work with Gavin to update the charter. Trent to work with Gavin to help clarify next steps.
Proposed WG: Liberty Specification Maintenance Working Group (LSM WG) Charter Review

SUMMARY: Discussed today, vote scheduled to take place electronically. This is legacy work and is not anticipated to do a lot of work, but rather look after legacy work.

  • discussion on duration--right now it says two years, but if it's truly maintenance, shouldn't it be listed as having indefinite duration? Reaction that at the end of that time, anticipate this work will be absorbed elsewhere and potential this wouldn't need to continue here. Agreed to leave it at 2 year duration.
    ACTION ITEM: Trent to take to electronic ballot.
InfoSharing WG Charter Change

SUMMARY: This change to be taken to electronic ballot for approval.
ACTION ITEM: Trent to take to electronic ballot.

Next Meeting

Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009

  • Time: 3pm PDT | 6pm EDT | 22:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Teleconference Options:
    • Skype: +9900827043671716
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716