Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-06-24

Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-06-24

Kantara Leadership Council Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009
  • Time: 3pm PDT | 6pm EDT | 22:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Dial-In: +1-218-862-7200
  • Code: 896272

NOTE: Do not follow the code with a "#" symbol as it may cause the code not to be recognized.


  • J. Trent Adams (Chair)
  • Matthew Gardiner
  • Kenji Takahashi
  • Joni Brennan (staff)
  • Myisha Frazier-Mcelveen
  • Eve Maler (Secretary)
  • Ken Salzberg
  • Conor Cahill
  • Britta Glade (staff)
  • Bob Pinheiro
  • John Fraser
  • Brett McDowell (staff)
  • Paul Madsen (Vice-Chair)
  • Robin Wilton
  • Colin Wallis


  • Dervla O'Reilly


  1. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. Please review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-06-17
  2. WG / DG Updates:
    1. WG Approved: Identity Provider Selection Work Group (IdP Selection WG)
      1. Activation and provisioning update [KI Staff]
    2. Progress Update: Privacy and Public Policy Work Group (P3WG)
      1. Vote begins via email Wednesday, June 24
      2. Vote closes at 23:59 UTC on Friday, June 26
    3. Progress Update: Japan Work Group (Japan WG)
      1. Need to vote on charter ASAP (on this call?)
    4. Progress Update: Consumer Identity WG (CIWG)
      1. Preliminary feedback review.
      2. Need to set date for vote [Trent]
    5. For Review: ID-Web Services Framework (ID-WSF) Work Group
      1. Accepted on June 23, 2009
      2. Discussion
      3. Need to set date for vote [Trent]
    6. Other WG/DG Updates?
  3. WG / DG Participation Application Form Update [Brett]
  4. Board of Trustees Update [Colin, Conor]
  5. Event Task Force Update [Britta on behalf of Dervla]
    1. Need WG/DG chair input on possible meeting time
  6. LC Policy Discussions:
    1. Email Policy Update [Trent]
      1. Please Review: Groups Email Discussion List Policy
    2. Recording Policy Update [Trent]
    3. Proposal: Formation of general Policy Task Force [Trent]
  7. FYI: Next Marketing call planned for July 7th - focused on the proposed marketing audience.
  8. AOB


  1. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. Please review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-06-17
      • Minutes APPROVED by unanimous consent
  2. WG / DG Updates:
    1. WG Approved: Identity Provider Selection Work Group (IdP Selection WG)
      1. Activation and provisioning update [KI Staff]
        • Approved by email vote as of last week.
        • Provisioning status is "go". The WG mail list has been created, and the group participation form is in place.
        • More is being done to clarify the provisioning and startup flow to new participants.
    2. Progress Update: Privacy and Public Policy Work Group (P3WG)
      1. Vote begins via email Wednesday, June 24
      2. Vote closes at 23:59 UTC on Friday, June 26
        • The call for votes for this WG will be issued today, closing on Friday.
        • The WG chair has received helpful input inside and outside the LC calls, and welcomes additional input.
    3. Progress Update: Japan Work Group (Japan WG)
      1. Need to vote on charter ASAP (on this call?)
        • A question was raised about why other country groups were not listed as potential liaisons; it was suggested to add a generic statement about liaising with other regional groups as appropriate.
        • The charter was amended on the site during the call to add, in Section 10, "Liaison with other Regional Work and Discussion Groups."
        • It was noted that the WG currently has an informal relationship with OpenID Foundation Japan, not currently mentioned explicitly, and anticipates having a more formal relationship later.
        • Motion to approve the Japan WG charter as amended APPROVED by unanimous consent.
        • AI: KI staff to create, provision, and announce the group.
    4. Progress Update: Consumer Identity WG (CIWG)
      1. Preliminary feedback review.
      2. Need to set date for vote [Trent]
        • It was suggested that the groups focusing on consumer identity and healthcare have liaison opportunities.
        • The assumption made about the online focus on consumer activity was questioned; offline processes such as identity proofing and asynchronous/out-of-band processes such as using cell phones as part of authentication are not being focused on for now.
        • The chosen Liberty option for IPR was discussed, in the context of the group's intent to produce (and desire to claim ownership of) white papers.
        • It was suggested to get a legal person onto a future call to explain the subtleties of IPR options.
        • No vote was scheduled quite yet.
    5. For Review: ID-Web Services Framework (ID-WSF) Work Group
      1. Accepted on June 23, 2009
      2. Discussion
      3. Need to set date for vote [Trent]
        • It was asked whether other draft technical specs need to be listed. The group anticipates facilitating the simple transfer of the original ID-WSF V2.0 specs to another home, not revising those original specs.
        • OASIS and IETF are the likely two bodies where specs will be submitted; the suggestion to join-up the listings of specs and standards-setting organizations more closely.
        • The idea of developing a "consent service" in this WG was brought up; the underlying technical basis of such an effort would be the biggest factor in determining a home for it in Kantara.
        • The "continue the development" language was questioned, since it may imply more active new development than is intended.
        • AI: Trent to set up a voting schedule with the WG chair.
    6. Other WG/DG Updates?
      • The Healthcare SIG has been developing a proposed charter.
      • The Concordia DG proposed charter has been submitted for acceptance-review. The LC Secretary has recused herself from this review, which will be taken up by the other LC officers shortly.
  3. WG / DG Participation Application Form Update [Brett]
    • A working participation form has been approved because of the pressure of several groups waiting to get going. A revision, with various optimizations, is waiting for legal review.
  4. Board of Trustees Update [Colin, Conor]
  5. Event Task Force Update [Britta on behalf of Dervla]
    1. Need WG/DG chair input on possible meeting time
      • ELFEL has an event Sep 30-Oct 1, and could work with us on holding a meeting there.
      • We are locked into DIDW for our first big F2F meeting. We have three rooms, accommodating 20 people each, on the Monday through the Wednesday.
      • A funding model is in the works for possibly holding a public RSA-style workshop, likely on the Monday.
      • It was suggested that the LC get more involved in crafting the DIDW Kantara event planning.
  6. LC Policy Discussions:
    1. Email Policy Update [Trent]
      1. Please Review: Groups Email Discussion List Policy
        • Please review the draft linked from today's agenda. Trent will send a separate plea for review in email.
    2. Recording Policy Update [Trent]
    3. Proposal: Formation of general Policy Task Force [Trent]
  7. FYI: Next Marketing call planned for July 7th - focused on the proposed marketing audience.
  8. AOB
    • The BoT had a concern about requiring non-US people to pay high international tolls using the current telecon system. Kantara is therefore going to sponsor a premium bridge, for use with selected telecons, that allows for high-def conferencing that will interface with Skype.
    • The organization is also soliciting offers from participants to host calls.

Teleconference Recording

  • Recording not being made during this call, per prior request.

Next Meeting

  • Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2009
  • Time: 8am PDT | 11am EDT | 15:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Dial-In: +1-218-862-7200
  • Code: 896272

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