Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-08-12

Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-08-12

Kantara Leadership Council Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: Wednesday, August 12, 2009
  • Time: 8am PDT | 11am EDT | 15:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Teleconference Info:
    • Skype: +9900827043671716
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716



  • Voting: 9 out of 15
    • Consumer ID WG - Bob
    • ID Assurance WG - Frank, Myisha
    • IdP Selection WG
    • ID-WSF Evo WG - Paul
    • Japan WG - Kenji
    • P3 WG - Robin
    • UP-VPI Tech WG - Iain
    • UMA WG - Eve
    • Clients WG - Conor
    • Healthcare Assurance WG - John
    • UD-VPI Policy WG - Iain
    • Liberty Spec Maintenance WG
    • eGov WG - Colin
    • BoT liaisons: none
  • Nonvoting:
    • Concordia DG - Eve
    • Japan DG - Kenji
    • ICU DG - Trent
    • Multi-Protocol Selector DG
    • Staff: Britta, Joni, Dervla
    • Guests: none


  • Ken Salzberg (BoT Liaison)
  • Mathew Gardiner (BoT Liaison)


  1. Roll Call for Quorum Determination
  2. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. Please review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-07-29
    2. Please review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-08-05
  3. WG / DG Updates:
    1. Progress Update: eGovernment Work Group
      1. Discussion
      2. Set date for vote
    2. Reminder of deadline for Founding Charters
      1. Submission: August 15th
      2. Vote: September 14th at DIDW
      3. ATTENTION:
        1. Clients WG (Conor Cahill)
        2. Healthcare ID Assurance WG (John Fraser)
        3. UD-VPI Policy WG (Iain Henderson)
        4. Liberty Spec Maintenance WG (Prateek Mishra)
        5. Multi-Protocol Selector DG (Drummond Reed)
    3. Placeholder for other WG / DG items
  4. Board of Trustees Update [Colin, Conor]
  5. US GSA/ICAM Project Update
    1. Privacy Workshop Overview
    2. Planned Joint Activities
  6. Next Call - Holiday?
  7. Cross Group User Survey Project [Iain]
  8. AOB


Roll Call for Quorum Determination

    • Quorum achieved.
  1. Approval of prior meeting minutes
    1. Please review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-07-29
    2. Please review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-08-05
      • Minutes of LC meetings of 2009-07-29 and 2009-08-05 APPROVED by unanimous consent.
  2. WG / DG Updates:
    1. Progress Update: eGovernment Work Group
      1. Discussion
      2. Set date for vote
        • The charter has been stable of late, except for a change to soften a reference to a draft spec that's in very early stages.
        • The eGov profile can be characterized as a continuation of previous Liberty work.
        • AI: Trent and Colin: Schedule a ballot for the eGov WG charter.
    2. Reminder of deadline for Founding Charters
      1. Submission: August 15th
      2. Vote: September 14th at DIDW
      3. ATTENTION:
        1. Clients WG (Conor Cahill)
        2. Healthcare ID Assurance WG (John Fraser)
        3. UD-VPI Policy WG (Iain Henderson)
          • This group will be deferred, so it will definitely drop off the list in mid-September.
        4. Liberty Spec Maintenance WG (Prateek Mishra)
        5. Multi-Protocol Selector DG (Drummond Reed)
          • Conor, John, Prateek, and Drummond are on the hook to submit charters by the deadline if they want to retain their seats. If they don't, the named founding chair loses LC voting privileges. If they drop off, subsequently they can still submit a "non-founding" charter.
    3. Placeholder for other WG / DG items##* AI: Trent: Investigate any special category of "leadership votes" that must be taken by the "founding chairs".
      • The group discussed the general notion of primary and alternate LC reps and the need for WG and DG leadership teams to flesh out the Chair/Vice-Chair (or multiple-Co-Chair) roles in order to ensure LC representation. (Others can always attend LC meetings, but do not have voting privileges.)
      • A related issue was raised regarding doing 7-day electronic ballots in the case where only one person has been nominated for a leadership role in a group. LC guidance: Continue to do electronic ballots in all cases until we can debug the operating procedures with the BoT in mid-Sep.
      • AI: Trent: Set up a wiki page to capture requests to change the Operating Procedures.
      • AI: Britta: Add leadership role balloting issues to the Operating Procedures change request page.
  3. Board of Trustees Update [Colin, Conor]
    • No updates.
  4. US GSA/ICAM Project Update
    1. Privacy Workshop Overview
    2. Planned Joint Activities
      • The meeting was called about 10 days ago by GSA, with a theme of privacy and a constraint of considering LOA1 use cases.
      • Judy Spencer is leading a project at ICAM, working with Protiviti, around opening up specific government service websites to LOA1 distributed access mechanisms.
      • An OpenID+InfoCard model was proposed, and the OIDF and ICF have been involved.
      • IDmanagement.gov is the project's website; a proposal has been made for a generic process for trust framework providers to vouch for IdP reliability.
      • Some attendees pushed back on the focus on LOA1; e.g., healthcare requires more assurance. And some concerns were expressed about the usability of the current plan.
      • InCommon expressed interest in working with KI on a joint whitepaper.  Trent will be working with them on how it can be brought into various KI WGs for input.
  5. Next Call - Holiday?
    • No strong preference was expressed either way. Trent is likely unavailable. He'll ask for preferences on the list.
  6. Cross Group User Survey Project [Iain]
    • The VPI and P3 groups will be forming a proposal for user research; UMA expressed interest as well.
    • It was noted that several Kantara founding members are consumer-facing, and suggested that maybe they could be approached to share what they know.

Next Meeting

  • Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2009??
  • Time: 3pm PDT | 6pm EDT | 22:00 UTC (Time Chart)
  • Teleconference Info:
    • Skype: +9900827043671716
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716