Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-09-02
Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-09-02
Kantara Leadership Council Teleconference
Date and Time
- Date: Wednesday, September 2, 2009
- Time: 3pm PDT | 6pm EDT | 22:00 UTC (Time Chart)
- Teleconference Options:
- Skype: +9900827043671716
- US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716
- Skype calls are toll-free, and you do NOT need to enter the Room Code.
- International Numbers: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Telco+Bridge+Info
- Contact the Chair if you cannot use Skype and need a toll-free phone number (US or international)
- Voting: [6 / 2 reps from Intel only one vote counts] of 13
- Trent Adams
- Colin Wallis
- Conor Cahil
- Bob Pinheiro
- Frank Villavicencio
- Mathew Gardner
- Ken Salzberg
- Nonvoting:
- Britta Glade
- Joni Brennan
- Dervla O'Reilly
- Brett McDowell
- Iain Henderson
- Eve Maler
- Roll Call for Quorum Determination
- Approval of prior meeting minutes
- Discuss: UDVPI-WG Supplemental Budget Request
- Review: /wiki/spaces/PMO/pages/2232484
- Board of Trustees Update (if any) [Colin, Conor]
- Discuss: Process for inter-group work (especially across IPR regimes) [Bob]
- Discuss: IPR management process at meetings in DIDW [Dervla]
- Reminder: Nominations for LC Secretary & Vice-Chair
- Reminder: 2010 WG & DG Requirements / Requests Planning
- Reminder: Action items review and update
- Roll Call for Quorum Determination
- Quorum not reached.
- Approval of prior meeting minutes
- Review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-08-19
- Review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-08-26
- Deferred due to non-quorate call
- Discuss: UDVPI-WG Supplemental Budget Request
- Review: /wiki/spaces/PMO/pages/2232484
- This is a UD-VPI WG Proposal with expressed interest from eGov, UMA and Consumer Identity WGs.
- Question about timeline of deliverable. Understanding is to get the work in to grad student's hands prior to Jan of 2010. Vast majority of the work should be done in 2009. There may be follow on request for funding in 2010. - Clarify with Iain
- Review: /wiki/spaces/PMO/pages/2232484
- Further questions should go to LC list
- Board of Trustees Update (if any) [Colin, Conor]
- Critical discussion around financial guidance. BoT communicated that budget should be approached as if this is a grant situation where you don't know the funding that's available but the best proposal is put forth for consideration.
- Board agreed with the need for budget contingencies on items that come up throughout the year.
- Additional discussions occurred around the possible budgeted activities for strategy and membership drives.
- BoT requests prepared strategic ideas to be shared on LC list and/or with Brett ASAP so that BoT can have effective further discussions.
- Discuss: Process for inter-group work (especially across IPR regimes) [Bob]
- Bob explained some possible Use Cases that have been discussed as cross WG / DG relevant. Bob expressed that broad Use Cases seem more natural than narrowly focused Use Cases working in separated groups.
- Concern about developing duplicate or contridicting work streams
- Suggestion: Leadership council is the place where coordination of work occurs with leadership.
- 3 Pieces to the picture
- Fostering initial participation
- General Understanding of activities across Groups
- Cross WG work process
- Brett suggests that we need a specific Use Case to work to.
- UDVPI is working on Use Cases that can be applied to other aspects for example Health info permission as compared to financial information in buying a car.
- How does voted upon work get contributed to another work group?
- ACTION: Trent to take first draft cut at "Group Interfacing" process
- Comment: this process would be applicable to sharing with an outside standings body
- Discuss: IPR management process at meetings in DIDW [Dervla]
- For F2F
- Chairs provided with list of current Participant Roster and list of Primary Reps for each Member Company
- Simple language sign for outside each room to provide overview of process for new comers.
- Hard copy GPA / Member Agreement paper work on hand for people to sign
- Chairs (or their designee) to manage on-site GPA sign-ups
- New Participant from a Member Company needs Company Primary rep for Approval Authority
- New Participant not from Member Company can be processed as soon as GPA is singed
- For F2F
- Reminder: Nominations for LC Secretary & Vice-Chair
- Please consider yourself or nominate someone for the role
- Reminder: 2010 WG & DG Requirements / Requests Planning
- Review: Kantara Initiative Budget Preparation Process - 2010 Budget
- Plan that Roger M is circulating applies to 2010.
- 2009 discussions are considered Supplemental.
- Review: Kantara Initiative Budget Preparation Process - 2010 Budget
- Reminder: Action items review and update
- Overview regarding ICAM responses. There are at least 3 on the table.
- ACTION: Trent to send open invite to all groups to invite members to a joint discussion scenario to approach ICAM responses together
- Brett explained the difference between a non branded WG Report vs a Kantara Initiative Draft Recomendation
- LC ultimately hears motions for final approval of Kantara Initiative proposed branded Recommendations.
- Issue raised of at least 3 reports of problems with Free Conference Calling Lines
- Suggestion: Groups having problems can request a new bridge
- If problem persists we can take to a roll call for major change in teleconference tools
- ACTION: Dervla to set up new bridge line for IAWG to try.
Next Meeting
- Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009
- Time: 8am PDT | 11am EDT | 15:00 UTC (Time Chart)
- Teleconference Options:
- Skype: +9900827043671716
- US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716
- Skype calls are toll-free, and you do NOT need to enter the Room Code.
- International Numbers: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Telco+Bridge+Info
- Contact the Chair if you cannot use Skype and need a toll-free phone number (US or international)
, multiple selections available,