Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-07-08
Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-07-08
Kantara Leadership Council Teleconference
Date and Time
- Date: Wednesday, July 8, 2009
- Time: 3pm PDT | 6pm EDT | 22:00 UTC (Time Chart)
- Teleconference Info:
- Skype: +9900827043671716
- US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716
- Skype calls are toll-free, and you do NOT need to enter the Room Code.
- International Numbers: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Telco+Bridge+Info
- Contact the Chair if you cannot use Skype and need a toll-free phone number (US or international)
- Trent Adams (Chair)
- Joni Brennan (staff)
- Eve Maler (Secretary)
- Bob Pinheiro
- Dervla O'Reilly (staff)
- Frank Villavicencio
- Ken Salzberg
- John Fraser
- Colin Wallis
- Conor Cahill
- Brett McDowell (staff)
- Britta Glade (staff)
- Drummond Reed
- Robin Wilton
- Paul Madsen
- Iain Henderson
- Matthew Gardiner
- Approval of prior meeting minutes
- Please review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-07-01
- WG / DG Updates:
- Progress Update: Consumer Identity WG
- Provisioning Update [Joni]
- Progress Update: ID-WSF Evolution WG
- Call for vote during meeting.
- WG for Approval: Identity Assurance Work Group (IAWG)
- Any additional comments for discussion.
- Set date for vote [Trent]
- New WG: Healthcare Identity Assurance Work Group (HIAWG)
- Acceptance of Charter? [Eve]
- Discussion
- Set date for vote [Trent]
- Placeholder for other WG / DG items
- Board of Trustees Update [Colin, Conor]
- Event Task Force Update [Dervla]
- Email Policy Review:
- Review: Wiki Page
- Call for approval.
- Approval of prior meeting minutes
- Please review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-07-01
- Minutes approved by unanimous consent.
- Please review: Leadership Council Teleconference - 2009-07-01
- WG / DG Updates:
- Progress Update: Consumer Identity WG
- Provisioning Update [Joni]
- Provisioning is complete. Waiting for guidance on telecon call scheduling.
- Some confusion, with which Joni will help, on disconnect between joining a group and subscribing to a list and on the WAYF process.
- Provisioning Update [Joni]
- Progress Update: ID-WSF Evolution WG
- Call for vote during meeting.
- A motion was made and seconded to approve this group. A roll-call vote was requested and the motion passed.
- AI: Joni to ensure that the Secretary has available a roster of valid voting LC reps for future calls.
- Call for vote during meeting.
- WG for Approval: Identity Assurance Work Group (IAWG)
- Any additional comments for discussion.
- Set date for vote [Trent]
- Couldn't find the repeated sentence that was reported last time; will hunt it down.
- Discussion ensued about the nature of the assurance topics to be covered and their relationship to the service assessment criteria; NIST 800-63 etc. are intentionally not mentioned.
- We'll schedule a vote soon after a final editorial pass.
- Kantara has a standard funding process that can be leveraged for funding requests in this area; there is interest in doing this.
- The vote isn't scheduled quite yet.
- New WG: Healthcare Identity Assurance Work Group (HIAWG)
- Acceptance of Charter? [Eve]
- Discussion
- Set date for vote [Trent]
- The proposed charter was submitted today; formal acceptance is pending a few revisions. In the interim, informal review and discussion took place on this call.
- A third use case, for delegating access, was suggested alongside the two identified in the charter. This will be taken under advisement.
- A comment arose about clarifying the proposed duration of the group; a "standing" group of "ongoing" duration was mentioned as a possibility.
- Feedback was requested on how to effectively widen the community to influence the larger players in the healthcare IT space.
- Placeholder for other WG / DG items
- None.
- Board of Trustees Update [Colin, Conor]
- No updates because the last BoT meeting was postponed.
- Event Task Force Update [Dervla]
- LC and BoT are scheduled to meet briefly on the Monday afternoon. Tuesday is filling up and Wednesday is partly full.
- It appears to be too early for some groups to schedule a F2F.
- The target is for July 15 to be more solidified.
- It was noted that the forthcoming e-gov group may want to meet, assuming its Kantara charter is accepted by then.
- Email Policy Review:
- Review: Wiki Page
- Call for approval.
- A concern was raised about the word "moderate"; it may wrongly imply that postings are actively being filtered (in the sense of "blog comment moderating"), even though the definition clarifies that this won't be done.
- There is an instance of the word "Contributor" in Section 4 that should be changed to "Participant".
- Vote to take place next week after a last round of email discussion.
- A discussion about the budgeting process will take place at the next meeting.
Teleconference Recording
- NOTE: Teleconferences will not be recorded until a recording policy is in place.
Next Meeting
- Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2009
- Time: 8am PDT | 11am EDT | 15:00 UTC (Time Chart)
- Teleconference Info:
- Skype: +9900827043671716
- US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 3671716
- Skype calls are toll-free, and you do NOT need to enter the Room Code.
- International Numbers: http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GI/Telco+Bridge+Info
- Contact the Chair if you cannot use Skype and need a toll-free phone number (US or international)
, multiple selections available,