Weekly Meeting 2010 04 05 Notes Ratified

Weekly Meeting 2010 04 05 Notes Ratified

Information Sharing GROUP Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: 5 April 2010
  • Time: 6am HST | 9 PDT | 12 EDT | 5pm UK
  • Please join my meeting via GoToMeeting
  • Join the conference call:
    • Skype: +9900827042954214
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
    • UK Dial-In: +44 (0) 8454018081
    • Room Code: 2954214
    • GoToMeeting ID: 844-771-298


  • Joe Andrieu (voting)
  • Iain Henderson (voting)
  • Trent Adams
  • Mike Kirkwood


  • Judi Clark
  • Mark Lizar


  1. Attendance
  2. Prior Action Item Review
  3. New Business
  4. Map the Gaps workshop
  5. Health Care
  6. Action Item Review


1. Attendance

We noted that 4 people on the call were voting members and that the group did not meet quorum on this call. Last four week's minutes/notes are pending.

2. Prior Action Items

Iain will now follow up with non-attending members re: participating and reaching quorum

Joe will send invitation to list for discussion of his article on wiki.

Iain will think about promotional push on Info Sharing Scenario Development day during next few weeks and discuss with Judi.

Iain will update User Scenario doc.

3. New Business

Discussion on Health Care and how we get Information Sharing scenarios work up and running.

Mike has been engaging with NHIN scenario, NHIN 'feels 'user centric' not 'user-driven'.

Can NHIN framework work with the concept of the Personal Data Store? Not proven.

Should we spin up a sub-group to run a customer-supplier engagement model process for 'health'?

Yes. Mike to draft charter, Iain happy to get involved; may be opportunity for funding.

Consider starting with the 'red book' scenario around child birth.

4. Map the Gaps workshop

Useful event, 23 attendees, technologists, regulators, policy advisers, academics.

How can we get tech, legal and regulatory folks talking to each other?

Information sharing rules, roles and responsibilities took centre stage.

Strong focus on information sharing agreements.

Next steps: Nine work-streams, inc. codifying of legal agreements for information sharing.

5. Sub Group on Information Sharing Agreements

Iain to propose route forward to next weeks call that involves a focused call on information sharing agreements every two weeks inter-laced with our standard weekly call.

5. Action Item Review

Iain will now follow up with non-attending members re: participating and reaching quorum

Joe will send invitation to list for discussion of his article on wiki.

Iain will think about promotional push on Info Sharing Scenario Development day during next few weeks and discuss with Judi.

Iain will update User Scenario doc.

Iain and Joe will sync up at 9am PST on 6th April re next steps on Maps the Gaps report.

Mike to draft charter for health focused sub-group.

Iain to propose route forward that involves call every two weeks inter-laced with our standard weekly call.

Next Meeting

(Note Pacific Time changes to daylight savings, other time zones affected)

12 April 2010
6am Hawaii, 9am Pacific, Midday Eastern, 5pm UK
Skype: +9900827042954214
US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
UK Dial-In: +44 (0) 8454018081
Room Code: 2954214
NOTE: Do not follow the code with a "#" symbol as it may cause the code not to be recognized.