Weekly Meeting 2010 08 02 Minutes Pending

Weekly Meeting 2010 08 02 Minutes Pending

Information Sharing GROUP Teleconference

Date and Time

  • Date: 02 August 2010
  • Time: 6am HST | 9 PDT | 12 EDT | 5pm UK
  • Please join my meeting via GoToMeeting
  • Join the conference call:
    • Skype: +9900827042954214
    • US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
    • UK Dial-In: +44 (0) 8454018081
    • Room Code: 2954214
    • GoToMeeting ID: 844-771-298


  • Joe Andrieu
  • Iain Henderson
  • Mark Lizar
  • J. Trent Adams
  • Eve Maler

Meeting has quorum.
Prior meeting minutes approved (19th July)



  1. Attendance
  2. Prior Action Item Review
  3. New Business
  4. Literature Review
  5. Personal RFP
  6. Action Item Review


1. Attendance
2. Prior Action Item Review
  • Joe will follow up when we need to hold our next election.   --  NEXT ELECTION SHOULD CONCLUDE BY OCTOBER 1
  • Iain updated, TSB funding bid will now be submitted 16th Aug, decision likely by end August
  • Trent will check with Lucy on use of ISOC logo on the report.  -- TALKED WITH LUCY. She's looking into it.


  • Iain/ Joe to work through options to present PRFP, Report and Trust Framework activity at the CRM Plus VRM event at Harvard on 26th, 27th August.
3. New Business

4. Literature Review

Who is our audience?

VRM Community? Enterprise? Internal to Kantara & ISOC?

Thoughts from ISOC: Research would be unbiased and audience would be "us" i.e., those working on infosharing technologies. Not so much regulators. To give those of us working in this space a grounding of what's gone on before. (Which might change a bit if we want to reach out to a wider group.)

Expectation that the initial research report not to come in with a pre-baked bias. Trent thinks we did that. We're ok.

If we're going to reach out a wider audience, a bit of information sharing commentary/advocacy, as a "work group report" based on the research--as opposed to the research itself. 

In preparing the report, based on the research, there was definitely an effort to focus our attention on those items that illustrate the key theses of ISWG. Namely, an individual-centric perspective.

"Based on a literature review funded by ISOC."

Perhaps our audience is a wider group with a similar definition of "those working on information sharing technologies", extended to include folks who may not yet be a part of Kantara or ISOC, but who are building this emerging architecture. A secondary audience is regulators, who should understand what is happening in the technical context.

  • Kantara Folks
  • ISOC Folks
  • Developers
  • Technical integrators

What change do we want to effect?

Mark's intention was to build a foundation document.

Given who we want to reach and how we want to effect them, that will drive cleaning up the logic flow and definitions.

As an introduction to information sharing, we want to capture the motivation so people can understand why they should care. The essence of the report is that a bunch of smart people are working on a hard problem together; here's why and here's what we're trying to do about it.

As a foundation document. ISWG as a change agent. Focusing on VPI as a distinct sharing activity. Why that's important.

Change we want to effect:

  1. People will think about how they volunteer information and about all the information they volunteer and the value of that information.
  2. People will understand & leverage the research in their own work and their own writings
  3. Utilize a standard ontology for discussing common cause amongst stakeholders
  4. Relate their own work to information sharing and transform their work to be more greatly enabled by information sharing
  5. Realize that these things are real, not just future-looking possibilities (because of specific examples).

We could be revolutionary, but we shouldn't. Rather we can paint how our work is an evolutionary advance.

5. Personal RFP

Working on narrative sequence from prose above (in Joe's MSWord doc). Reviewed document, Joe asked questions and added information as discussed.

Mark to send work on 'standard in notice' (what's in the notice, where can it be found etc) to the group.

Joe to integrate feedback on PRFP/ sharing data with manufacturer discussion.

6. Action Items Review
  1. Joe Andrieu - Post to mailing list by 8/16 to start election conversation
  2. Trent will check with Lucy on use of ISOC logo on the report.
  3. Personal RFP work by Joe continues - continuing
  4. Joe Andrieu - Revise Lit Review Report by Wednesday AM
  5. Iain Henderson - Add examples to Lit Review Report by Friday

Next Regular Meeting

16th August 2010
6am Hawaii, 9am Pacific, Midday Eastern, 5pm UK
Skype: +9900827042954214
US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
UK Dial-In: +44 (0) 8454018081
Room Code: 2954214

Next Standard Agreement Meeting

6am Hawaii, 9am Pacific, Midday Eastern, 5pm UK
Skype: +9900827042954214
US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022
UK Dial-In: +44 (0) 8454018081
Room Code: 2954214

NOTE: Do not follow the code with a "#" symbol as it may cause the code not to be recognized.