FIWG Meeting Minutes 2011-04-14
FIWG Meeting Minutes 2011-04-14
John Bradley
Scott Cantor
Rich Furr
Leif Johansson
Chris Leggett
Matt Tebo
Mary Ruddy
Hank Mauldin
Anna Ticktin
Meeting Minutes:
- Roll Call
- Reminder of Motion of Minutes Approval 31 Mar 2011
- Moved: Rich Furr
- Seconded: Matt Tebo
- With no discussion or objection, the minutes are approved as recorded.
2.TFMM Work Group Update
- The TF MM WG has launched and is now taking on members.
- Its first telecon is targeted for the F2F in Berlin. Dial-ins will be made available.
3. IANA Registry for LoA Identifiers
- Updated link : http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-johansson-loa-registry
- Reminder : this is an Informative registry for the purpose of discovery.
4. White Paper---Bob Morgan
- This item will be carried over until John has a chance to connect with Bob for an update.
5. MDX Update
- Scott loosely suggests a Shibboleth V3 SAML IdP 2012 release seems probable if scope-creep can be minimized. It will support making MDX queries.
- There is also someone in the Shibboleth project working on a MDX provider for their data validation module.
- Actually PEER is a collaboration between WAYF, InCommon, SWAMID, ISOC
and Terena. The project is contracted to have a front end built for Leif's MDX implementation. - Leif confirms the Czech team has probably been testing it against HSMs
6. AOB
- The WG discussed Federation Operators and federated meta data regarding multiple actors; specifically regarding relationships between Kantara, OIX, FICAM and Safe BioPHarma.