FIWG Meeting Minutes 2011-03-17
John Bradley
Hank Mauldin
Mary Ruddy
Rainer Horbe
Rich Furr
Bob Morgan
Chris Leggett
Anna Ticktin
- Roll Call
- Reminder of Motion of Minutes Approval 3 Mar 2011
Motion to approve the minutes as recorded : Rich Furr.
Hank seconds. With no discussion or objections, the minutes are approved.
2.TFMM proposed Work Group Update
- The LC is considering a proposal to manage TFW touching WGs by subcommittee.
- Additionally, there is a charter before the LC for a TFW MM WG. This would be short-lived WG that would be spun up simply to complete this deliverable. (mapping between various frameworks as they evolve).
- If you have interest in joining the charter as a proposer, contact Rainer or John.
3. Trust models
- The WG discussed various trust models before considering the question of building a PKI-only trust model for SAML or other assertion providers?
- Rainer composed a trust model white paper on this (exclusive of PKI) and previously circulated to the group.
5. MDX Update ---Leif
- Leif was not in attendance, but members can look to the list for threads on this topic.
6. AOB
- None