FIWG Meeting Minutes 2011-02-03
FIWG Meeting Minutes 2011-02-03
These minutes were approved on 3 March 2011.
John Bradley
Hank Mauldin
Trent Adams
Scott Cantor
Bob Morgan
Chris Leggett
Sarah Louie
Keith Uber
Mary Ruddy
Anna Ticktin
Meeting Minutes:
- Roll Call
- Reminder of Motion of Minutes Approval: 6 Jan 2011
- http://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/display/fiwg/FIWG+Meeting+Minutes+2011-01-06
- Motion to approve the previous minutes as recorded: Bob Morgan. Seconded by Chris Leggett. No discussion or objections; the minutes were approved.
Upcoming F2F opportunities:
- Trent, John and Bob Morgan will be at RSA. FIWG will attempt to get an item up on the agenda.10 May Munich (Pre EIC Summit)--- http://www.id-conf.com/
- 16-18 May Berlin (F2F @Fraunhofer) — http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/GI/Kantara%20Initiative%20Conferences
- Keith will attempt to make the Kantara F2F.
- John will book time on the agenda to solicit other attendees.
- IIW is upcoming the week prior to EIC.
- PING Cloud Id Summit is upcoming as well. Kantara will have a 2 half day sessions. (18-19th July).
2. MDX and PEER update:
- Without Leif on the call to report out officially, the summary is that a number of people are developing a number of tools and there may be a number of federations set up eventually
- PEER project info:
- https://spaces.internet2.edu/display/PEER/Home
- PEER list info:
3. Discussion on creating a White paper on Interoperable meta-data for federations.
- Question: Is this a marketing or technical piece?
- Answer: John suspects it will probably be more of an explanation for a non-technical audience.
- The document should probably address some historical context.
ACTION ITEM 20110203-01 Bob Morgan---will take a first stab at evangelizing this work.
4. AOB
- The next call conflicts with the RSA conference. The WG has decided to cancel and provide a full report on the next FIWG call instead.
- Federation Lab: Bob Morgan and Keith Uber will be sending some information around via the list.
See: fed-lab.org