FIWG Meeting Notes 2011-12-08

FIWG Meeting Notes 2011-12-08


John Bradley
Mary Ruddy
Rainer Hoerbe
Hank Mauldin
Rich Furr

Scott Cantor
Leif Johannson
Bob Morgan
Licia Florio
Nate Kliningstein

Joni Brennan
Anna Ticktin


1. Administrative:

  • Roll Call-non quorate
  • Notes from last call FIWG Meeting Notes 2011-09-29

2. Election

  • John has been re-elected as Chairman.
  • Bob Morgan has volunteered to stand as Vice-Chair or Co-Chair should the FIWG accept his nomination.
  • The group will look to further this discussion and possibly hold an election on the next call.

3. SAML2int profile

Draft circulated via the list and uploaded to the wiki under FIWG "Working Drafts":


MOU salient points and proposal:

  • KI and REFEDS should collaborate around providing an open and transparent development and evolutionary home for the SAML2INT Web SSO Interoperability Deployment Profile (PROFILE).
  • The basic division of responsibilities is that:
  1. Terena will support the activities through communications to raise awareness and recruit resources within European Research and Education networks.
  2. KI provide a Standards Fostering environment for the development and evolution of the PROFILE as well as development and hosting of tools and a certification program to add value to the PROFILE.
  • The partnership and project would be jointly branded (KI and REFEDS) and presented as a public-private partnership. In fact the development of profiles and certification programs for emerging identity technologies fits well in to the REFEDS mission (via Terena) and supports further benefits to knowledge sharing and the interest of members of both organizations – REFEDS and KI.  Furthermore, this partnership will provide additional value by more strongly connecting the efforts of the REFEDS and KI communities across varying international borders and industry verticals.


  • A straw-man TODO for implementing the proposed joint collaboration around fed-lab2.


  1. Refine agreement and terms of partnership with KI.
  2. Develop communications plan to raise awareness, educate and recruit resources to ensure viable life-cycle development of the PROFILE which emphasizes international and varying industry stakeholder involvement.
  3. Coordinate and contribute to the development of Press materials with KI.
  4. Route REFEDS and any European feedback regarding change requests received by REFEDS to the KI FIWG for consideration and, where appropriate, incorporation.


  1. Refine agreement and terms of partnership with REFEDS
  2. Coordinate and contribute to the development of Press materials with REFEDS.
  3. KI FIWG recruits as many of the original SAML2INT contributors as possible to join the FIWG (http://saml2int.org/profile/current#section12).
  4. KI Federation Interoperability Work Group (FIWG) accepts current version of SAML2INT as submitted by at least 3 or the original contributors.
  5. FIWG perform feature freeze of current SAML2INT and re-publishes under KI Operating Procedures with provision of attribution of all original stakeholders.
  6. FIWG performs analysis of extended features to evolve and brand SAML2INT as a Federation Deployment Profile.
  7. FIWG publishes the new SAML2INT (name to be determined) as a Federation Deployment Profile.
  • KI Interoperability Review Board coordinates with REFEDS for further partnership and development of educational tools and certification program to be operated by KI.
  • FIWG members are asked to review the SAML2.0INT draft and come to the January call with feedback on the effort as well as be prepared to vote on acceptance of this document as a work item.

3. AOB

  • Action Item 20111208-01 Anna to launch a new doodle poll for calling for feedback on another FIWG telecon time
