FIWG Meeting Notes 2011-05-26
FIWG Meeting Notes 2011-05-26
John Bradley
Leif Johansson
Philippe Clement
Scott Cantor
Anna Ticktin
- Roll Call — quorum not reached
- Reminder of Motion of Minutes Approval: 14 April 2011
- Unable to approve minutes as quorum was not met.
2. LEGO Update
- Should the FI WG participate?
RE Feds announcement
- See : Barriers for Service Providers presentation at REFEDS email thread from Leif
- Fed Operator would step in as an assessor and act as an assessor to the OIX ICAM TFW
- Using peer software would handle inter-federation metadata
- FIWG would participate to suggest best practices or use it as a learning forum
- InCommon position: observing but not participating
mdx update:
- Leif has pushed some query formats on the list
- Leif will circulate version 2 of the draft....(look to list)
3. AOB